Gautami Patil viral MMS video has caused controversy as it circulated on social media. The well-known lavani dancer strongly objected and filed an FIR against the person who filmed the offensive video during an event in Pune. The incident, capturing a private moment while she was changing clothes, has gained significant attention online. Gautami Patil, a prominent figure in the dance world, has seen her popularity surge, both on the internet and within the dance community.
Gautami Patil Overview
Name | Gautami Patil |
Profession | Dancer |
Location | Maharashtra, India |
Performance Venue | Various events, political functions, birthday parties, and other gatherings |
Fame | Renowned for captivating performances across Maharashtra, drawing large crowds |
Earnings | Charges Rs 1-2 lakh per performance; her team earns approximately Rs 30-35 lakh monthly |
Criticisms | Faced criticism for alleged provocative dance moves and online trolling |
Social Media Presence | Active on social media platforms, particularly Instagram, with a fan base of 1.5 million followers |
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Gautami Patil Viral MMS Video
Gautami Patil has grabbed attention due to a recent video reportedly filmed during a stage performance in Pune. This controversial video, purportedly recorded on a mobile phone while she was changing backstage, has emerged online. Reports indicate that the video was shared from two distinct accounts.
Gautami Patil Viral MMS Leaked Download Link
Gautami Patil, a renowned dancer from Maharashtra, captivates audiences at various events, earning substantial income through appearances at political functions, birthday celebrations, and other gatherings. Recognized for her performances throughout Maharashtra, she receives offers from villages, commanding high fees for her shows.
Reports suggest she charges Rs 1-2 lakh per performance, resulting in her team earning approximately Rs 30-35 lakh monthly. Despite her success, she has faced criticism for alleged provocative dance moves, leading to online trolling. Active on social media, Gautami boasts a massive Instagram following of 1.5 million.