The Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur (JNTUA) has recently released the results for the B.Tech 4-1 semester (R19, R15) regular and supply exams held in January 2023. The results are now available for students to check and access. The release of the results marks the end of a long wait for students who appeared for the exams, and they can now see their hard work and preparation reflected in their scores. The announcement of the results is an essential milestone in the students’ academic journey, and it will help them plan their future endeavors accordingly.
JNTUA B.Tech 4-1 Semester (R19, R15) Regular and Supply Exam Results for January 2023 – Now Available
Details of JNTU Anantapur 4-1 Results 2023:
Name of University | JNTUA (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur) |
Name of Examination | JNTUA B.Tech 4-1 Sem Regular/Supply Exams Jan 2023 |
Categorie | JNTUA 4-1 Results |
Status | Released on 10-02-2023 |
Official Website | |
Here are some essential points to keep in mind about the JNTUA B.Tech 4-1 Semester (R19, R15) Regular and Supply Exam Results for January 2023:
- Availability: The results are now available online and can be easily accessed by students.
- Results format: The results are usually displayed in a scorecard format and include essential details such as the student’s name, roll number, marks obtained in each subject, and overall percentage.
- Verification of results: If students find any discrepancy, they should immediately contact the university authorities for verification and correction.
- Re-evaluation process: Students who are unsatisfied with their results can opt for re-evaluating their answer sheets. The university should confirm the procedure for re-evaluation and the associated fee structure.
- Importance of results: The results of the B.Tech 4-1 semester exams are crucial as they determine students’ eligibility to move on to the next semester and also play a role in their overall academic record.
- Future academic and career plans: Based on their results, students can plan their future educational and career goals. For example, those who have performed well can consider pursuing higher education or applying for jobs in their field of study.
It’s important to remember that the results are just one aspect of a student’s academic journey and should not be the sole determining factor of their self-worth or future success.
Get Your JNTUA B.Tech 4-1 Semester Results for R19 and R15 – January 2023 Exam Now Available
The JNTU Anantapur has conducted the B.Tech 4-1 Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations for R19 and R15 regulation students in January 2023. All students who appeared for the exams can now check their results on the official website of JNTU Anantapur, The results of the following exams have been released:
- B.Tech IV Year I Semester (R19) Regular Examinations, January 2023 – Released
- B.Tech IV Year I Semester (R15) Supplementary Examinations, January 2023 – Released
The results were announced on 10th February 2023. To check your results, follow these simple steps:
- Visit the JNTUA Results Portal at
- Click on the link for “B.Tech IV Year I Semester (R19, R15) Results 2023.”
- Enter your roll number and the captcha code
- Click on the submit button
- Your results will be displayed on the screen
- Download and take a printout for future reference
For those who wish to apply for recounting, the requisitions must be submitted to the Principal along with the necessary fee and a statement of marks attested by a gazetted officer. The price for telling is Rs.100/- for each theory external and Rs.10,000/- per subject for challenge valuation. The fee for a copy of answer scripts is Rs.1,500/- per subject.
For more details, visit the official website of JNTU Anantapur at
- JNTUA 4-1 Sem (R15) Supply Results Aug/Sept 2022 – Soon
- JNTUA 4-1 Sem (R13) Supply Results Aug/Sept 2022 – Soon
- B.Tech IV Year I Semester (R15) Supplementary Examinations, March 2022 – Soon
- B.Tech IV Year I Semester (R13) Supplementary Examinations, March 2022 – Soon
- B.Tech IV Year I Semester (R13) Supplementary Examinations, October 2020 – Soon
- B.Tech IV Year I Semester (R09) Supplementary Examinations, October 2020 – Soon
- JNTUA B.Tech 4-1 Sem R15 Supply Results Oct 2020 – Soon
- JNTUA B.Tech 4-1 Sem R15 Results Nov/Dec 2019 – Soon
- JNTUA B.Tech 4-1 Sem R13 Supply Results Nov/Dec 2019 – Soon
- JNTUA B.Tech 4-1 Sem R09 Supply Results Nov/Dec 2019 – Soon
Frequently Asked Questions on JNTUA B.Tech 4-1 Semester (R19, R15) Results:
Q: When were the JNTUA B.Tech 4-1 Semester exams conducted?
A: The JNTUA B.Tech 4-1 Semester exams were conducted in January 2023.
Q: When were the results for the JNTUA B.Tech 4-1 Semester (R19, R15) exams released
A: The results for the JNTUA B.Tech 4-1 Semester (R19, R15) exams were released on 10th February 2023.
Q: Where can I check the JNTUA B.Tech 4-1 Semester (R19, R15) results?
A: You can check the JNTUA B.Tech 4-1 Semester (R19, R15) results on the official JNTU Anantapur –
Q: Can I apply for recounting of my theory external marks?
A: Yes, you can apply for recounting your theory external marks by submitting a requisition to your Principal and the necessary fee.
Q: How much is the processing fee for recounting?
A: The processing fee for recounting is Rs. 100 per subject.
Q: Can I apply for a challenge valuation of my results?
A: Yes, you can apply for challenge valuation by submitting a requisition to your Principal and the necessary fee of Rs. 10,000 per subject.
Q: Can I apply for a photocopy of my answer script?
A: Yes, you can apply for a photocopy of your answer script by submitting a requisition to your Principal and the necessary fee of Rs. 1500 per subject.
Q: Are there any other results that have been announced previously?
A: Yes, there have been previous results announced, such as JNTUA 4-1 Sem (R15) Supply Results Aug/Sept 2022, B.Tech IV Year I Semester (R15) Supplementary Examinations, March 2022, and JNTUA B.Tech 4-1 Sem R15 Results Nov/Dec 2019, among others.