JNTUK R20 1-2 Engineering Chemistry Notes | Material PDF Download

JNTUK R20 1-2 Engineering Chemistry Material PDF Download

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Students are studying JNTUK R20 Civil, Mechanical Branch, Can Download Unit wise R20 1-2 Engineering Chemistry Material/Notes PDFs below.


  • Importance of plastics in household appliances and composites (FRP) in aerospace and automotive industries.
  • Outline the basics for constructing electrochemical cells, batteries, and fuel cells. Understand the mechanism of corrosion and how it can be prevented.
  • Express the increases in demand as a wide variety of advanced materials are introduced, which have excellent engineering properties. Classify and discuss the materials used in major industries like steel, metallurgical, construction, and electrical equipment manufacturing industries. Lubrication is also summarized.
  • Relate the need for fuels as a source of energy to any industry, particularly industries like thermal power stations, steel industry, fertilizer industry, etc., and hence introduced.
  • Explain the importance and usage of water as the primary material in almost all industries; interpret steam boilers’ drawbacks and how portable water is supplied for drinking purposes.

Polymerization:- Introduction, polymerization methods (emulsion and suspension), mechanical properties. Plastics: Compounding, fabrication (compression, injection, blown film, and extrusion), preparation, properties and applications (PVC, polycarbonates, and Bakelite), mention some examples of plastic materials used in electronic gadgets, recycling of e-plastic waste (waste to wealth).
Elastomers:- Introduction, preparation, properties, and applications (Buna S, Thiokol, and polyurethanes).
Composite materials: Fiber-reinforced plastics, conducting polymers, biodegradable polymers, biopolymers, and biomedical polymers.
Course Outcomes: At the end of this unit, the students will be able to Analyze the different types of composite plastic materials and interpret the mechanism of conduction in conducting polymers.

Download UNIT-1 Material PDF | Reference-2 | Ref-3

Single electrode potential, electrochemical series, uses of series, standard hydrogen electrode, calomel electrode, construction of glass electrode, batteries (Dry cell, Li-ion battery, and zinc air cells), fuel cells (H2-O2, CH3OH-O2, phosphoric acid, and molten carbonate).
Corrosion:-Definition, theories of corrosion (chemical and electrochemical), galvanic corrosion, differential aeration corrosion, stress corrosion, galvanic series, factors influencing the rate of corrosion, corrosion control (proper designing and cathodic protection), Protective coatings (surface preparation, cathodic coatings, anodic coatings, electroplating and electroless plating [nickel]), Paints (constituents, functions and special paints).
Course Outcomes: At the end of this unit, the students will be able to utilize the theory of the construction of electrodes, batteries, and fuel cells in redesigning new engineering products and categorize the reasons for corrosion and study methods to control corrosion.

Download UNIT-2 Material PDF

Part- A: Nanomaterials:- Introduction, sol-gel method, characterization by (Brunauer Emmet Teller [BET]), (scanning electron microscopy [SEM]) and (transmission electron microscopy [TEM]) with example (TiO2), applications of graphene and fullerenes, carbon nanotubes (types, preparation, and applications)
Thermal analysis techniques: Instrumentation and applications of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
Part-B: Refractories: – Definition, classification, properties (refractoriness, refractoriness under load, porosity, and thermal spalling), failure of refractories.
Lubricants: – Definition, mechanism of lubricants, properties (definition and importance).
Cement: – Constituents, manufacturing, parameters to characterize the clinker formation: lime saturation factor (LSF), silica ratio (SR) and alumina ratio (AR), the chemistry of setting and hardening, deterioration of cement.
Course Outcomes: At the end of this unit, the students will be able to Synthesize nanomaterials for modern advances in engineering technology. Summarize the techniques that detect and measure changes in the state of reaction. Illustrate the commonly used industrial materials

Download UNIT-3 Material PDF

Introduction, calorific value, higher calorific value, lower calorific values, problems using Dulong’s formula, proximate and ultimate analysis of coal sample and their significance, numerical problems, petroleum (refining-cracking), synthetic petrol (Fischer Tropsch and Bergius), petrol knocking, diesel knocking, octane and cetane ratings, anti-knocking agents, Introduction to alternative fuels (Biodiesel, ethanol, methanol, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, compressed natural gas), Flue gas analysis by Orsat apparatus, rocket fuels.
Course Outcomes: At the end of this unit, the students will be able to Differentiate petroleum, petrol, and synthetic petrol and know how they are produced. Study alternate fuels and analyze flue gases.

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The hardness of water, determination of hardness by complexometric method, boiler troubles (priming and foaming, scale formation, boiler corrosion, caustic embrittlement), internal treatments, softening of hard water (zeolite process and related sums, ion exchange process), treatment of industrial wastewater, potable water, and its specifications, steps involved in the purification of water, chlorination, breakpoint chlorination-desalination (reverse osmosis and electro dialysis).
Course Outcomes: At the end of this unit, the students will be able to Analyze the suitable methods for the purification and treatment of complex and brackish water.

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  1. P.C. Jain and M. Jain “Engineering Chemistry,” 15/e, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi, (Latest edition).
  2. Shikha Agarwal, “Engineering Chemistry,” Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, (2019).
  3. S.S. Dara, “A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry,” S.Chand & Co, (2010).
  4. Shashi Chawla, “Engineering Chemistry,” Dhanpat Rai Publication Co. (Latest edition).


  1. K. Sesha Maheshwaramma and Mridula Chugh, “Engineering Chemistry,” Pearson India Edn.
  2. O.G. Palana, “Engineering Chemistry,” Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, (2009).
  3. CNR Rao and JM Honig (Eds) “Preparation and characterization of materials” Academic Press, New York (latest edition)
  4. B. S. Murthy, P. Shankar and others, “Textbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,” University press (latest edition)

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