The Employees Selection Board of Madhya Pradesh is preparing to provide a convenient way for candidates to access their MP Group 4 Admit Card 2023.
MP Group 4 Admit Card 2023: Download Link Available
To obtain the admit card, individuals can visit the official web portal of the board at It is anticipated that the MPESB Group 4 Admit Card 2023 will be released in the first week of June 2023, allowing applicants to download and print their copies. Once the admit card is made available, a direct link will be activated below for easy digital retrieval by all registered candidates.
Download MP Group 4 Admit Card 2023: Easy Access and Important Details
The official website of the Employees Selection Board, Madhya Pradesh, at, is soon going to release the MPPEB Group 4 Admit Card 2023 for downloading and printing purposes. It is important to note that the admit card will not be sent via postal mail. If you have applied online for positions such as Assistant Grade III, Steno, Typist, Stenographer, and others, you will need to obtain your hall ticket from the MPESB web portal. Once you have downloaded it, make sure to print it on A4 size paper and carry it with you to the designated examination center.
Country | India |
State | Madhya Pradesh |
Organization | Employees Selection Board, Madhya Pradesh |
Post Name | Group 4 (Assistant Grade III, Steno, Typist, Stenographer, etc.) |
Vacancies | 3047 |
Admit Card | June 2023 |
Examination | July 15, 2023 onwards |
Official Website | |
The Employees Selection Board, Madhya Pradesh has announced a significant number of 3047 vacancies for Group 4 posts, including Assistant Grade III, Steno, Typist, Stenographer, and more. The number of candidates who have registered for these positions runs into the thousands. While the official release date for the admit card has not been confirmed yet, it is strongly believed that it will be made available on the official web portal at Typically, the admit card is expected to be released approximately 15 to 17 days before the scheduled exam date. Once it is officially released, a direct link will be activated below for candidates to easily obtain their digital copy of the admit card.
ESB MP Group 4 Admit Card 2023 Download Link: Get Your Hall Ticket Now
The Employees Selection Board of Madhya Pradesh is all set to release the hall ticket for Group 4 recruitment exams. Candidates who are participating in the exam for any post must be aware that the call letter can be downloaded from the official website at To access the hall ticket, individuals will need to provide their Application Number and Date of Birth. Additionally, step-by-step instructions will be provided to guide candidates in obtaining the digital copy of the document. Stay tuned for the release of the hall ticket and follow the instructions to ensure a smooth downloading process.
MPPEB Group 4 Admit Card 2023: Step-by-Step Guide for Downloading
To download the hall ticket for Group 4 posts, follow the step-by-step instructions provided below:
- Visit the official website of the Employees Selection Board, Madhya Pradesh at
- On the ESB Madhya Pradesh web portal, look for the option labeled ‘Admit Card – Group 4: Assistant Grade III, Steno, Typist, Stenographer & Other Post Combined Recruitment Test – 2023’ and click on it.
- Towards the end of the page, you will be prompted to enter your 13-digit Application Number, Date of Birth, and Captcha Code. Fill in the required details accurately.
- After entering the details, click on the Search button to retrieve the digital copy of your hall ticket.
By following these instructions, you will be able to easily download your Group 4 hall ticket. Ensure that you provide the correct information for a successful retrieval.
MP Group 4 Admit Card 2023: Essential Documents to Carry for Exam
Candidates appearing for the Computer Based Test of Group 4 posts on 15 July 2023 should be aware of the essential documents required for entry into the exam hall. Each individual must carry a physical copy of their hall ticket along with a government-issued photo ID card, such as Aadhaar card, voter ID, or any other valid document. It is crucial to report to the designated exam center at least one hour before the scheduled exam commencement. Please note that no electronic devices will be allowed inside the exam hall, so it is important to carefully read and follow all the instructions on the exam day.