JNTUK R20 1-2 Computer Organization Material PDF Download
Students studying JNTUK CSE/IT Branches can download R20 1-2 Unit-wise Computer Organization Material PDFs.
Computer organization Course Goals this course aims to teach the fundamentals of computer organization and fundamental concepts of architecture. It gives an in-depth understanding of the basic structure, design, and programming of a primary electronic computer. It also covers computer algebra instructional set development, microprogrammed controller, pipeline lining, the vector process, memory organization, and I/O systems.
Course Objectives: By the end of the course, the student will be competent to
- Show an understanding of the structure of the functional components of a digital computer system.
- The Relate Postulates from Boolean algebra and reduces combinational functions.
- Recall and alter representations of numbers stored on digital computers.
- Develop the logic families and the realization of the logic gates.
- Create and analyze sequential and combinational circuits
- Examine, compare and identify the issues relating to ISA memory I/O, control, and other functions.
- Think about the internal organization of the CPU, computers, memory unit, Input/Outputs, and the connections between the major components
- Learn to solve fundamental problems with programming in assembly language
Conceptual introduction to Computer science topics and algorithms; contemporary computer digital Components and data Representation Introduction and Numbering Systems Decimal-to-Binary Conversion Binary Coded Decimal numbers, Self-Complementing Codes, Weighted Coding Codes Cyclic codes, error Coding, Error Correction Codes Hamming Code for Error Correction Alphanumeric Codes ASCII Code
Data representation: Data forms, Compliments Fixed Point Representation and Moving Point Representation.
Combinational Circuits, Boolean formulas, and reduction using algebraic identities; representation of Karnaugh maps and reduction of Boolean functions using K-map. Two-level implementations using gates and-or, OR-AND, NAND-NAND, and NORNOR structures
Computer Organization Notes | UNIT-1 | Reference-2
Digital logic circuits Combinatorial Circuits: An Introduction Combinatorial Circuit Design Methodology integrated NAND-NOR Gates Multifunction gate, multi-bit Adder Multiplexers, De-multiplexers Decoders
Sequential Switching CircuitsLatches and Flip-Flops, Ripple counters with T flipflop; Synchronous counters Shift Registers Counters with rings.
Computer Organization Notes | UNIT-2 | Reference-2
Computer Arithmetic: Addition and subtraction, multiplication Algorithms, Division Algorithms, Floating – point Arithmetic operations. Decimal Arithmetic unit, Decimal Arithmetic operations.
Basic Computer Organization and Design: Instruction codes, Computer Registers, Computer instructions, Timing and Control, Instruction cycle, Memory Reference Instructions, Input–Output, and Interrupt.
Computer Organization Notes | UNIT-3 | Reference-2
Micro-programmed Control Memory Control address sequencing, microprogramming example Design of Control Unit.
Central Processing Unit: General Register Organization Instruction Formats and Addressing Modes Manipulation and Transfer of Data, Control of Programs.
Microprocessor 8086: pin diagram, instruction sets, an introduction to assembly language programming Locator, Linker, Assembler Debugger, emulator concepts. Assembler directives 8086 programming examples that implement while-do repeat until, if-then-else, and String operations arrays, far and close procedures macros. Loops for delay and timing
Computer Organization Notes | UNIT-4 | Reference-2
Memory Organization: Memory Hierarchy Main Memory Auxiliary memory Associate Memory Cache Memory.
Input-Output Organization An Input-Output Interface, Asynchronous Data Transfer modes of transfer, and Priority Interrupt Direct Memory Access.
Computer Organization Notes | UNIT-5 | Reference-2
Computer Organization textbook pdf
- Digital Logic and Computer Design, Moriss Mano, 11th Edition, Pearson Education.
- Computer System Architecture, 3rd., M.MorrisMano, PHI
- Microprocessor and Interfacing –Douglas V. Hall, 3rd edition, TMH
Reference Books:
- Digital Logic and Computer Organization, Rajaraman, Radhakrishnan, PHI, 2006
- Computer Organization, 5th., Hamacher, Vranesic and Zaky, TMH,2002
- Computer Organization & Architecture: Designing for Performance, 7th., William Stallings, PHI, 2006