JNTUK R20 2-2 Environment Notes/Engineering Material PDF Download
Students taking JNTUK’s R20 Civil Branch Can Download the R20 2-2 Unit-wise Environment Engineering (EE) Materials/Notes Below are PDFs.

- Outline designing and planning water distribution systems for a city, town, or community
- Give information on the water quality requirements for use in domestic settings.
- Increase understanding of the significance of protecting the quality of water sources and educates the work involved in changing raw water into potable clean water.
- Fixture selection and valve selection within water distribution networks
- Share knowledge about the design of the water distribution network
Introduction The significance and necessity of Water Protected Supply systems, Water-borne illnesses, Flow chart of the public water supply system, The role of an Environmental Engineer, Activities of the Agency
The Quantity and Demand Estimation Estimation of per capita water demands for a city or town and their influences on it. Water demands of different types and variations in them – the factors that influence the water demand Design Period, the factors that affect the design time, and Population Forecasting.
Sources of water: Lakes, Rivers Comparison of sources concerning the quantity, quality, and other aspectsGround water sources, including springs, wells as well as Infiltration Galleries, characteristics of water physical, Chemical, and biological characteristics, as well as WHO recommendations for drinking water – IS10500 2012 Standards for water quality to be used in Agriculture, Industries and Construction.
They are treating Water Methods for Treatment Conceptual and design of sedimentation Coagulation and Filtration.
Disinfection: Theory of disinfection-Chlorination and other Disinfection methods. Removal of color and odors- Removal of Iron and Manganese – Adsorption- Fluoridation and fluoridation-Reverse Osmosis- Solar stills- Freezing
Unit-2 PDF Material Download | Reference-2
Collection and conveyance of Water Factors that affect the choice of the intake structure Conveyance of water Conveyors for Pressure and Gravity Types of Pipes pipes, pipe joints Design elements of lines design of a cost-effective diameter for the main pump, the HP of the pump and monthly expenses for an apartment or an entire village. They are laying and testing pipelines – capacity of reservoirs for storage Analysis of mass curves.
Distribution of water Methods of Distribution System and Layouts of Distribution networks, main water accessories – Sluice valves Relief valves for pressure, air valves Check valves and hydrants and water meters- the ideal water system—case studies.
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Sewerage Estimation of the flow of sewage and stormwater drainage – variations – types of sewers and designs. Sewer appliances – cleaning and venting of sewers. Sewage pumps.
Home Plumbing Systems of plumbing-sanitary fittings and other accessories- two pipes and one pipe drainage systems – Drainage design in gated communities, Hotels, and Apartments. Septic Tank working principles and design
The characteristics of wastewater Characteristics of sewage BOD equations. BOD, COD, and ThOD.
Treatment for Sewage Primary treatment. Treatment for secondary: Activated Sludge Processing, design principles, concepts, and operational issues. Oxidation ponds and Trickling Filters Design, classification operations, and maintenance issues. RBCs. Fluidized bed reactors – Anaerobic digestion of sludge. Sludge Drying Beds.
Ultimate disposal of sewage Methods for removal, including disposal into water bodies – Oxygen Sag CurveDisposal to sea or land-based disposal, Sewage illness, corrosion of the crown. Standards for effluents.
- Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineering Howard S. Peavy, Donald R. Rowe, George George Tchobanoglus Mc-Graw-Hill Book Company, New Delhi 1985.
- Rural Municipal and Industrial water management, K.V.S.G. Murali Krishna, Environmental Protection Society, Kakinada 2021.
- Industrial Water and Wastewater Management, K.V.S.G. Murali Krishna Paramount Publications, Visakhapatnam in 2018.
- The elements of environmental Engineering Elements K. N. Duggal, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi 2012.
- Water Supply Engineering – P. N. Modi.
- Water Supply Engineering B. C. Punmia
- Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering The Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering G. S. Birdie and J. S. Birdie
- Environmental Engineering, D. Srinivasan, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2011.
- Environmental Engineering, Ruth F. Weiner and Robin Matthews – 4th Edition Elsevier, 2003
- Environmental Engineering, D. Srinivasan, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2011.
- Design and plan the distribution and water systems and sewerage networks
- Determine the source of water and choose the appropriate intake structure
- Water Characterization
- Select the proper accessory in the water supply
- The selection of the most suitable flow for the treatment of raw water